Pit 114: Level 2

Completed December 28, 2020 by Bill Benton, Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. Sounding like a broken record, level two artifacts were very similar to the last two pits with good Granby artifacts and a number of Native American pottery pieces, and a cutting tool. We also found pipe pieces, including pre-Granby 1720-1750 pipe stems, which were probably smoked outside of Thomas Brown's trading post between 1735 and 1747. And, just like pit 113, we had a large number of charcoal pieces, and the bottom of level two showed the archaeological feature of the 1960's gas line trench.

Pit 114: Level 2 produced: Eight pieces of pottery, 18 glass, six nails, two pipe stems, two pipe bowls, 12 Native American pottery and one tool, one lead, eight iron, and 160 charcoal.

Below: The obvious gas line trench from the 1960s.