Pit 116: Level 2

Completed January 23 and 25, 2020 by Odess and David Brinkman. Odess completed most of the work on this level, by herself. Artifacts picked up significantly in this level. Once again, supporting our theory that this area was a store house, we found increased numbers of stoneware, lots of nails but lower numbers of brick and window glass. In other words, a lower quality building compared to the main house. Most of the nails found were T-Head nails, which are mostly used in framing. There were no L-Head or Rose-Head nails, which are more often used for trim work as you would find in a house and not a storage building. The higher numbers of charcoal and Native American pottery also indicate that the previous (to Granby) habitant (Indian Trader Thomas Brown) may have entertained Natives here outside his trading post.

Pit 116: Level 2 produced: 29 pottery pieces, 15 glass, 11 nails, one pipe bowl, 12 Native American pottery, 24 charcoal, four iron, and two slate.

Below: David's new "Nailing Granby display" which shows the different type of nails found in the Granby dig.