Pit 119: Level 1

Completed on March 21, 2021 by the daughter of Shawn McAlhaney, Stephany North, Kim Masters, Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. We got brave this time and moved back inside the fence next to the Judas tree. This is a hotzone where we have a transition from the main Granby house structure to what appears (based on the artifact finds) to be a storage building. Level one was, again typical with a mixture of Granby artifacts and Native American. We were joined by the daughter of Shawn McAlhaney who happened to be making a bike trip from different segments of the Riverwalk and through the Riverland Park neighborhood. As always, the kids love to dig and play archaeologist in the dirt.

Pit 119: Level 1 produced: Three pieces of pottery, four Native American, eight pieces of glass, three nails, and one iron.