Pit 128: Level 1

Completed on June 12, 2021, by Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. We moved back into the possible slave quarters area. This has become a good location when there is a high chance of rain. It is right next to the carport so we can take advantage of that covering. Once again, level one was a disturbed bunch of old and new artifacts with over a thousand of them being charcoal pieces. In fact, this artifact count of charcoal makes pit 128 the first pit to have over 1000 artifacts. Only carbon dating will tell us if this charcoal is old or new. There were some obvious old items like stoneware, nail pieces, and shell. Shell is something we have been finding in this area which is common near slave quarters and not common at all in the area of the Granby house. The most interesting newer item was a motorbike toy made in HongKong probably in the 60s or 70s.

Pit 128: Level 1 produced: 1 stoneware, 2 nails, 2 Native American, 1299 charcoal, 3 iron, and 2 other activity.