Pit 128: Level 3

Completed on June 12, 2021, by Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. Level three was more interesting because we finally go to a depth where there were no obvious modern items. We found very old stoneware, Native American pottery pieces, and Granby window glass. This means the charcoal we found here may also be old. At the very bottom of the pit, once again, the red/brown flood feature appeared.

Pit 128: Level 3 produced: 1 stoneware, 2 window glass, 2 nails, and 16 charcoal.

In total Pit 128 (all levels) produced: 2 stoneware, 1 kitchen glass, 2 window glass, 4 nails, 1329 activity, and 2 Native American.

Out of all the pits in the Granby dig, this pit ranked: 118