Pit 131: Level 1

Completed by Out of all the pits in the Granby dig, this pit ranked: Steve Coker, Bill Benton, Art Coogler, Josephine Bachman, Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. After over two months (and the bout David had with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever), we had a good size team dig come together for Labor Day. We moved back under the Magnolia Tree. I guess we had forgotten why we left this area but were soon reminded. This hot-zone (which we believe was a food storage building for the 1780s Granby house) is protected by a continuous web of Magnolia roots. It would be a tough dig, but we had a number of diggers this day, and DC and Bill completed most of the digging for level one. As expected, we found a nice set of stoneware which came from food storage vessels. This area is also high in Native American pottery, and we continued to see that. We also found a good amount of brick and nails. There were also some obvious modern items, including concrete, glass, and a battery that was probably made between 2007 and 2012. Art brought his dog Oliver who quickly made friends with our Granby mascot dog: Skyler (you can see them in the background of a photo below.)

Pit 131: Level 3 produced: 7 kitchen pottery, 4 stoneware, 6 window glass, 6 nails, 7 Native American, and 2 iron pieces.