Pit 145: Level 1

Completed on June 25, 2022 by Kim Masters, Jessy and daughter, Odess and David Brinkman. We returned to the row on Brookcliff Drive, where there was a lot of disturbance from a storm drain that was probably made in the 1980s. Proving the disturbance is the fact that we quickly found a 1720-1750 pipe stem in just the first few inches of level one. Also found were Granby kitchen and window glass and five pipe bowl pieces which look to be much older than Granby. A large Native pottery piece was also found. Along with Granby brick fragments, we also found modern brick.

Pit 145: Level 1 produced: Four pottery, one stoneware, ten kitchen glass, five window glass, one nail, six pipe, 18 clay, one charcoal, and two Native American pieces.