Pit 149: Level 1

Completed on January 2, 2023 by Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. We started the new year with pit 149. We are moving back into the fenced area of the yard with this pit. This allows us to complete a pit over two days since we don't have to worry about having anyone fall into an open pit on the outside of the fence while we are not around. This time of year, the days are short and are only warm for a few hours so it's another reason to spread the dig over two days. We started late today with the goal of completing level 1. The level had a minimal number of Granby items but, in this area, we know most of the artifats will be in level 3. There was a surprising amount of Asphalt even at this significant distance from the road and driveway. We finished level 1 with another hour of daylight left, so we will also attempt level 2 on this same day.

Pit 149: Level 1 produced: