Pit 44: Level 3

David and Todd Schelling, Andrea Robichaud, DC and Jocie Locke, and David Brinkman. Level 3 continued to produce lots of pottery and DC found another large and obvious Native American piece. About halfway into the level, another downpour and water flooded into the hole. We were sifting mud for about 30 minutes. Continuing, DC would find another nice brass button with the loop intact. Level 2 and 3 made this another really good pit. We just managed to get everything taken down and put away when there was another downpour. David cleaned and counted artifacts that night and found that pit 44 is our 6th best pit. Of the 5 pits we have done between the Judas and Magnolia trees, 4 of them are in the top 6 pits. We will continue to work this area in the pits to come. Overall counts for pit 44 are: 66 pieces of pottery, 34 pieces of glass, 16 nails, 14 iron pieces, 5 Native American pieces, 5 pipe bowl pieces, and a brass button.

Pit 44: Level 3 produced: 27 pieces of pottery (including 4 Native American pieces), a Colonial Brass Button, 2 pipe bowl pieces, and 18 pieces of glass.