Pit 45: Level 3

Completed on July 10, 2013 by Gloria Talens, Fred Morrison, Odess and David Brinkman. We had a few really nice pottery finds in level 3. We, finally, found some nails and one of them was maybe the best example of a Colonial period T-Head nail. Overall, however, level 3 was nothing like the recent pits between the Judas and Magnolia trees. The soil never did show those high concentrations of brick and charcoal speckles we have been seeing in the hot zone. We may be declining as we move to the South-East corner of the lot. We were expecting to see this soon. The roots finally eased-up at about 60cm but I was in trouble at that point. Despite drinking a gallon of water and Gatorade , I was in trouble of getting heatstroke. We stopped at this point and decided to leave the pit open for a 4th level on another day. I was brain-dead for the rest of day and went to bed. Odess was also sick with a headache for the rest of the day.

Pit 45: Level 3 produced: 9 pieces of pottery, 3 pieces of glass, and 4 nails.