Pit 68: Level 3

Completed September 14, 2014 by Teresa Mitchell, Steven Rougeau, Dean Hunt, DC Locke, and David Brinkman. After the break we said goodbye to the Fauste's and started level 3. So far, pit 68 was looking like a pit in the hot-zone but things died out in level 3. The two things to note were a really nice pottery piece and then a good number of charcoal flakes at the bottom of the hole. Overall, pit 68 produced 154 artifacts (right at our average) with 27 pieces of pottery, 54 pieces of glass, 16 nails, 6 iron pieces, 3 non-iron metal pieces (one possible gold piece), 2 pipe bowl pieces, 5 Native American pieces, and 27 charcoal flakes.

Pit 68: Level 3 produced: 5 pieces of pottery, 10 pieces of glass, 3 nails, 2 iron pieces, 1 Native American piece, and 24 small charcoal flakes.