Pit 109: Level 2

Completed on September 7, 2020 by Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. Level two continued the pattern seen in Pit 48 with increasing numbers of Granby items but not in the quantity that we see in the Granby hot-zone area. After not having found a single pipe item in eight pits, we suddenly found two pipe stems from the 1720-1750 time period which is before Granby. These were not from the same pipe as there was a significant color difference. We also found a stoneware pottery piece that could be pre-Granby. A Native American cutting stone was also found. The collected brick fragments gradually turned from modern to 18th century as we reached the bottom of level two.

Pit 109: Level 2 produced: nine pieces of pottery, one piece of glass, two pipe stems (1720-1750), and two nails.