Pit 110: Level 1

Completed on November 20, 2020 by Art Coogler, DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. For Pit 110, we decided to move out to the hot area near the street. As expected, we were getting lots of small asphalt pieces in level one from the street construction in 1960. We were also right up against the asphalt driveway of the house which added even more. We planned for this extra work and scheduled just level one for today. With all veteran Granby diggers, we got the job done and picked up a nice number of Granby items. The most interesting find, however, turned out to be the eraser ends of two pencils, probably 1960s or 1970s. One was the full eraser and the other also had the metal eraser cover. After artifact cleaning, a nice piece of lead from a pencil was also found. Overall, with the old and the new, it looked like we were off to a typical good start for this hot zone.

Pit 110: Level 1 produced: nine pieces of pottery, four pieces of glass, one nail, and old pencil artifacts.