Pit 111: Level 1

Completed November 27, 2020 by Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. The goal today was to dig next to a rotted pine tree stump. This tree died about six years ago, and we had it cut down. At that time, we had avoided digging near this tree because of tree roots. Those roots were now also rotted. One tale I have heard a few times is that there are always good artifacts to be found under a tree. Today, we would test this and do a regular size pit next to the stump and probe some area under the stump. If promising, we will rip the stump out and complete another pit exactly where the stump is. Level one gave us a colorful hand-painted pottery piece and a couple of nails, all from the Granby era. Not surprising was a large number of modern brick, cement, and asphalt pieces. Nothing was found in the initial probe under the stump.

Pit 111: Level 1 produced: Four pieces of pottery, three glass, two nails, one iron, and eight charcoal.