Pit 111: Level 2

Completed November 27, 2020 by Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. Level two gave us a nice set of Granby artifacts, including more painted pottery, glass, slate, and nails. Some pre-Granby items also showed with a surprising triple pipe stem find and two pipe bowl pieces, including one with a very unique decorated pattern. Hours of research would be spent trying to find another similar bowl pattern from hundreds of recorded finds in America and Europe. No exact match were found, but leaf and roses on the bowl pattern were fairly common on pipes from 1720 to 1750 (which is the age range determined from the pipe stems we found in this level.)

Pit 111: Level 2 produced: 11 pieces of pottery, 14 glass, eight nails, three pipe stems, two pipe bowl, four iron, one slate, and two charcoal.