Pit 124: Level 3

Completed on May 8, 2021, by Alexander and Kyle Markey, Kim Masters, Odess and David Brinkman. No artifacts were found deep, but we did notice the same red/brown feature found in pit 123 and at Fort Granby, which we thought might mark a hardened (compacted) surface, possibly a floor or a well-traveled surface. The overall finds in Kyle's front yard show that we may be very close to another Granby period building. Kyle's house is a little closer to the old Town Square of Granby, so this is possible. D.C., Kim, and David would return in a couple of weeks to do a metal detector scan of the entire front and sides of the yard. We did identify one promising area, but it would probably be good to complete the scan in the large backyard.

In total Pit 124 (all levels) produced: 2 kitchen pottery, 8 kitchen glass, 1 window glass, 6 nails, 14 activity, and 14 Native American.

Out of all the pits in the Granby dig, this pit ranked: 122