Pit 126: Level 1

Completed on May 22, 2021, by Kim Masters, Jocelyn and DC Locke, Odess and David Brinkman. We were back out by the road and over the gas line again. The gas line trench can take up about half the hole area so this is a highly disturbed area with artifacts (old and new) being mixed up. Level one had a nice set of obvious Granby items (pottery and kitchen and windo glass, and a pipe bowl fragment.) We also had newer items like two pennies, a dime, and a lot of gravel and asphalt. In this disturbed area, we are expecting to see all these things in all three levels.

Pit 126: Level 1 produced: 4 kitchen pottery, 1 stoneware, 6 kitchen glass, 3 window glass, 3 nails, 1 pipe, 5 Native American, 3 charcoal, 4 iron, 14 slag, and 0 other activity.