Pit 22: Level 3

Completed Oct 5th, 2012 by Debra Carlsen, Dean Hunt, DC and Jocelyn Locke, Debbie Bloom, Jan Ciegler, Miles Sexton, Jeremy, David, and Odess Brinkman. We were also joined by new diggers (and classmates of Miles): Zuzanna Chruszcz, and Lexus Maurer. Wow! What a level! In fact, it is the best level we have ever seen. We had 10 people sifting and everyone was finding items, one after another. We found our most beautiful (and biggest) piece of pottery and a decorated pipe stem and pipe bowl fragments. The final numbers on pit 22 were 67 pieces of pottery (a new record), 73 pieces of glass, 25 nails (tied for record), 3 pipe items, and the knife piece. This makes pit #22 our best pit so far. If all this was not enough, we also had a visit from Elizabeth Hopkins who is a descendant of Granby's Friday family.

Pit 22: Level 3 produced: 54 pieces of pottery (included a decorated pipe stem and 2 bowl fragments), 57 pieces of glass, 14 nails, and over 1/2 a kilo of brick!