Pit 28: Level 3

Completed November 21, 2012 by DC Locke, Fred Morrison, Dean Hunt, and David Brinkman. Once again, level 3 overwhelmed us with artifacts. We found two of our largest pottery items and DC would later match one of these with a base piece that could help us identify exactly what this item is and where it came from. Also at the end of level 3, David found one of our longest pipe segments which, like most of the others found, had a 5/64" inside hole diameter which dates it to 1720-1750. DC found one final interesting marine-like piece which may date to a period when this area was on the coast. Overall, pit 28 ranks #9 in artifact counts with an impressive 58 pieces of pottery, 49 pieces of glass, and 26 nails (a new record). During our dig, we were visited by the Cayce police department and we updated them on our finds. They have done a great job in protecting our property over the last 2 years. Security is a big concern with any archaelogical site.

Pit 28: Level 3 produced: 48 pieces of pottery, 39 pieces of glass, 17 nails, 9 unknown iron objects, a 1720-1750 pipe stem, and a good number of charcoal fragments.