Pit 43: Level 1

Completed on July 6, 2013 by the Schelling's (David, Katie, Carrie, and Todd), Dean Hunt, the Locke's (Jocelyn, and DC), and the Brinkman's (Odess, and David). Last weekend's dig was postponed and the rain did everything it could to stop us today. We decided not to give in this time. Todd Shelling and family joined us to make this the first official Intel Involved team dig (which was just recently approved). Intel will match employee time on an approved volunteer project. All proceeds will go to the public non-profit SCAPOD (South Carolina Archaeology Outreach Division). SCAPOD may take part in future public and Boy Scout dig events at our site. We had a full dig team today and we needed it in level 1 as we had to get through some really thick roots. This was hard work on the diggers and the sifters also had a tough job with roots, grass, and wet dirt. Todd Shelling had the first really good find with a nice large piece of Edgefield alkaline glazed stoneware (1800-1870). We've really been finding a lot of Edgefield and other stoneware in this area. We had to hold back David and Katie Shelling as they wanted to dig but their turn would come when we got past the big roots of the Judas Tree. Level 1 ended up being a little below average for this hot zone with only 6 pieces of pottery and 1 piece of modern glass.

Pit 43: Level 1 produced: 6 pieces of pottery, 1 piece of glass, a pieces of chert, 3 nails, and a 1972 penny.