Pit 70: Level 3

Completed September 14, 2014 by David and Odess Brinkman, Dean Hunt, Teresa Mitchell, and Steven Rougeau. We were a little surprised by the good results in level 2 and expected to see more good things in level 3 but the artifacts died out quickly. Odess found another pipe stem but it was split so we could not date it. Other than that, there was not much more to mention about level 3. Dean and I filled the hole and, maybe for the first time, we didn't break a sweat today because of the perfect weather. When artifact cleaning was complete, the high artifact numbers of level 2 pushed pit 70 almost into the top 10. Looking at the individual artifact stats, you can see some surprise jumps taking place as we moved west from pit 21 to pit 70. Hopefully, the results of the next pit to the west of pit 70 will help us understand what's going on here. We will also be doing a row on the other side of the Brookcliff Drive fence which should help explain this. Overall, pit 70 produced: 38 pieces of pottery, 67 pieces of glass, 28 nails, over 800Kgs of brick, 44 pieces of charcoal, 8 Native American pieces, 9 iron pieces, and a lead shot ball.

Pit 70: Level 3 produced: 3 pieces of pottery, 9 pieces of glass, 2 nails, and 1 split pipe stem.