Pit 79: Level 3

Completed May 3, 2015 by Kay Oliver, Dean Hunt, Teresa Mitchell, Odess and David Brinkman. Shortly into level 3, we found a continuation (from adjacent pit 76) of a dark structure like feature. A post-hole appeared but then faded into part of this stronger feature as we approach 50 cm. The overall numbers of brick, nails, and window glass with the continuation of this wall like feature goes along with the adjacent pits showing this is probably the northern wall of the house. There were not large numbers of artifacts in level 3 but, nevertheless-less, they represented a nice sample of a Colonial period house. In total pit 79 produced: 26 pieces of pottery, 58 pieces of glass, 20 nails, 26 pieces of charcoal, and 3 Native American pieces.

Pit 79: Level 3 produced: 4 pieces of pottery, 8 pieces of glass, 4 nails, 1 pipe bowl piece, and 3 Native American pieces.