Pit 92: Level 1

Completed by Steven Rougeau, Teresa Mitchell, Odess and David Brinkman. We setup today to do the first Granby Cam to film the entire dig with an aerial view of the pit. You can view the video at this link. The location for Pit 92 was selected next to Pit 89 so we could get the second dimension of the feature seen in Pits 89 and 91. The top of this area had been recently (last year) disturbed by a garden dig and this seemed to affect the initial results as we found very few artifacts near the surface. The artifact numbers, however, increased as we approached the bottom of level 1. The best finds were a 1720-1750 pipe stem by Odess and a new pottery type we have not seen. It had a reddish (brick-like) paste and white glaze that was hand painted. As usual, no features were seen at the bottom of level 1.

Pit 92: Level 1 produced: 16 pieces of pottery, 4 pieces of glass, 1 Native American piece, 2 nails, and a 1720-1750 pipe stem.